How to change the Dash Button in Unity Launcher?


It is configurable. The unity icons are in /usr/share/unity/4. Please browse this folder with the file manager to see the thumbnails.

Here is an example to change the look of the default dash home:

cd /usr/share/unity/4
sudo mv squircle_base_54.png squircle_base_54.png.orig
sudo mv squircle_shine_54.png squircle_shine_54.png.orig
sudo cp round_outline_54x54.png squircle_base_54.png
sudo cp round_shine_54x54.png squircle_shine_54.png

Log out and log back in. You will see the new dash home.

enter image description here

Definitely more customization could be done as long as you replace the correct files. Please backup the original files before making the changes.

BTW, maybe you have the question: how do you know the solution? I hit the same problem and tried to search all related files:

sudo find / -type f -iname "*dash*"

Steps to change unity dash icon:

  1. Make your own icon 54x54 px
  2. Save the new icon in a png format
  3. Go to: cd /usr/share/unity/4
  4. Make backup of the old icon: sudo cp launcher_bfb.png launcher_bfb_def.png
  5. Delete the old icon: sudo rm launcher_bfb.png
  6. Rename your new icon: cp <yourIconName> launcher_bfb.png
  7. Move new icon in Unity: sudo launcher_bfb.png /ust/share/unity/4

here is my YouTube link: How to change unity home dash icon ubuntu - YouTube


In 12.04 the Unity 4 icons have changed completely:

There are these icons which build the Dash button:


And these which aren't used:


They are very different in size and name. I think you have to edit every squircle_ file yourself with an image editor like Gimp.

You can see for yourself: nautilus /usr/share/unity/5/