How to change the default author in PhpStorm for PHPDoc

If you are using PhpStorm 2017.1:

File > Settings > Editor > File and Code Templates > [Includes] > PHP File Header

Here you can edit the comment.

Preferences > Editor > File and Code Templates > Includes tab > PHP Class Doc Comment

 * Class ${NAME}
#if (${NAMESPACE}) * @package ${NAMESPACE}
 * @author Foo Bar <[email protected]>

I edited @Mahmoud Zalt's answer, which is basically right, but the edit was rejected, so here you go. @Mahmoud Zalt's answer will only work if you have a namespace in the class, which is what the if/end logic is looking for.

Go to: preferences > Editor > File and Code Templates > [Includes] > PHP Class Doc Comment.


 * Class ${NAME}
 * @category 
#if (${NAMESPACE}) * @package ${NAMESPACE}
 * @author John Doe <[email protected]>

Create custom template variables and define their values right in the include template using the #set VTL directive. For example, if you want to your full name inserted in the file header instead of your login name defined through the ${USER}, write the following construct:

#set( $MyName = "John Smith" )


My Solution:

Go to : Preferences > Editor > File and Code Templates > Includes tab > PHP Class Doc Comment

 #set( $USER = "Javier Solis Flores ( @JavierTwiteando )" )
 * Created by ${PRODUCT_NAME}.
 * User: ${USER}
 * Date: ${DATE}
 * Time: ${TIME}