How to change the line spacing in my list of figures?

In the book class there's an internal macro \@chapter that's adding the space by this line:


You could redefine this macro. Alternatively, you could disable \addvspace in the list of figures, for instance by


The effect should end with the list of figures, but of course you could group it to limit the scope.

If you disabled it you could use an environment or a declaration of the setspace package, to get more space between the lines of the list of figures. Or you just use \linespread locally:


If you happen to use a KOMA-Script class, simply add the listof=nochaptergap class option. (By default, KOMA-Script uses listof=chaptergapsmall which will produce an additional vertical space of 10 pt, equal to the behaviour of the standard classes.)





\caption{A figure}


\caption{Another figure}

\caption{And another one}


enter image description here

Using the etoolbox package, you can patch this out of the code.

}{}{}{\message{Failed to patch \string\@chapter}}

For adding space between figures and tables, you can use the tocloft package.


This puts the same space between entries in the list of figures/tables as goes between chapters in the table of contents.