How to change the output folder for migrations with Core?

For Package Manager Console run this command:

PM> Add-Migration 001 -OutputDir "Data/Migrations"

My structure is:



For removing last migration use:

PM> Remove-Migration

Note: If the migration is already applied to the database, then you will get this error:

The migration '20190721162938_001' has already been applied to the database. Revert it and try again. If the migration has been applied to other databases, consider reverting its changes using a new migration.

Then run:

PM> Remove-Migration -Force

If your migration is not the last migration. first, rollback to the migration you need by Update-Database then delete all migration classes after that migration.

PM> Update-Database -Migration 001

This will revert all migrations after 001

dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context EsportshubApi.Models.ApplicationDbContext -o YourFolderPath

dotnet ef migrations add

Adds a new migration.


Argument Description
<NAME> The name of the migration.


Option Short Description
--output-dir <PATH> -o The directory used to output the files. Paths are relative to the target project directory. Defaults to "Migrations".
--namespace <NAMESPACE> -n The namespace to use for the generated classes. Defaults to generated from the output directory. Added in EF Core 5.0.

Also here are the common options you can use with this command.
