How to change the pop-up position of the jQuery DatePicker control

Here is my variation of Datepicker calendar aligning.

I think that it's pretty nice, because you can control positioning via jQuery UI Position util.

One restriction: jquery.ui.position.js required.


    beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
        // Handle calendar position before showing it.
        // It's not supported by Datepicker itself (for now) so we need to use its internal variables.
        var calendar = inst.dpDiv;

        // Dirty hack, but we can't do anything without it (for now, in jQuery UI 1.8.20)
        setTimeout(function() {
                my: 'right top',
                at: 'right bottom',
                collision: 'none',
                of: input
        }, 1);

I do it directly in the CSS:

.ui-datepicker { 
  margin-left: 100px;
  z-index: 1000;

My date input fields are all 100px wide. I also added the z-index so the calendar also appears above AJAX popups.

I don't modify the jquery-ui CSS file; I overload the class in my main CSS file, so I can change the theme or update the widget without having to re-enter my specific mods.

Here's what I'm using:

    beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
            marginTop: -input.offsetHeight + 'px', 
            marginLeft: input.offsetWidth + 'px'

You may also want to add a bit more to the left margin so it's not right up against the input field.