How to change time zone for an application

There's very easy way to do it. Simply get the current UTC time and your timezone in two different variables. Then convert UTC to your timezone in third variable and use it anywhere. Here's how you do it.

DateTime date1 = DateTime.UtcNow;

TimeZoneInfo tz = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Pakistan Standard Time");

DateTime date2 = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(date1, tz);

Set your Time Zone in tz and then use "date2" anywhere.

Sorry there is no way in .NET to change the time zone globally.

The only way you have is to change the timezone of your server or rewrite all of your code.

The best practice is to not rely on the system time zone at all (never use DateTime.Now).

You should handle all date as Utc dates and then convert to a specific zone when displaying them to users.

Even if you manage to handle timezones in your ASP.NET application, there are still timezones on SQL Server, for example GETTIME funtion. If your application is entirely written in UTC, your SQL server function will work as well.