How to change Visual Studio 2012 install directory?

I had the same problem though instead of forcing me to install into "c:\program Files" it forced me to install to the directory which I used for the Visual Studio RC. After using Process Monitor and the setup's logfile I was able to find a registry key that needed to be deleted.

The key was located at


The SID will most likely be different for other systems yet you might be able to find the last string (31F687BD8A467D54C830E018D99F7F3B)

In order to find the key I did the following:

  1. Downloaded ProcessMonitor from Sysinternals
  2. Started Processmonitor with filter

    Image Path ends with vs_premium.exe

  3. Started vs_premium.exe

  4. Closed the setup
  5. Waited until Processmonitor didn't fetch anymore events
  6. Opened the newest dd_vs_premium_.log file from %TEMP%
  7. Searched for something and found

    Condition 'VS_Install_path_KeyExists' evaluated to false. (i guess it will evaluate to true on affected systems. I tried this on a clean windows installation)

  8. One line above it said

    Registry key not found. Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VS7'

  9. Searched for


    in Processmonitor

  10. A few lines down ProcessMonitor shows me the key I had to delete

The only solution I've found is on Windows 7 to create a hard Junction link to the directory your wanting Visual Studio installed to.

For Example, My SSD drive is not my boot drive and has a drive letter of B:.

I run the following command line

mklink /J "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0" "B:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0"

To the installer and Windows it thinks it installed it to the Program Files x86 directory on C: drive when it really installed it to the Program Files x86 folder on B: drive.

Here's a link to page about creating Junction links in Windows Vista and 7.

A simpler approach worked for me:

1 - Run the installer from the command line, with /uninstall /force switches, as in:

c:\vs_professional_ENU.exe /uninstall /force

2 - Re-run the installer normally.

I did this with VS2015 under Windows 10. Reference link.