how to changing image x and y when screen resize in pygame code example

Example: how to changing image x and y when screen resize in pygame

QUIT              none
ACTIVEEVENT       gain, state
KEYDOWN           key, mod, unicode, scancode
KEYUP             key, mod
MOUSEMOTION       pos, rel, buttons
MOUSEBUTTONUP     pos, button
JOYAXISMOTION     joy (deprecated), instance_id, axis, value
JOYBALLMOTION     joy (deprecated), instance_id, ball, rel
JOYHATMOTION      joy (deprecated), instance_id, hat, value
JOYBUTTONUP       joy (deprecated), instance_id, button
JOYBUTTONDOWN     joy (deprecated), instance_id, button
VIDEORESIZE       size, w, h
VIDEOEXPOSE       none
USEREVENT         code


Misc Example