How to check if an object has changed?

You can implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface and if you user VS2010 there is addin that automatic alter all properties in IL (so you don't have to implement it manualy).

I belive there is also some other methods that use Weaving technique.

I found addin in vs2010 gallery:

There is nice example - your code:

public class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    public string GivenNames { get; set; }

What get compiled:

public class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    private string givenNames;
    public string GivenNames
        get { return givenNames; }
            if (value != givenNames)
                givenNames = value;

This is from first resoult from unce G (might be usefull):

As Sll stated, an dirty interface is definitely a good way to go. Taking it further, we want collections to be dirty, but we don't want to necessarily set ALL child objects as dirty. What we can do, however is combine the results of their dirty state, with our own dirty state. Because we're using interfaces, we're leaving it up to the objects to determine whether they are dirty or not.

My solution won't tell you what is dirty, just that the state of any object at any time is dirty or not.

public interface IDirty
    bool IsDirty { get; }
}   // eo interface IDirty

public class SomeObject : IDirty
    private string name_;
    private bool dirty_;

    public string Name
        get { return name_; }
        set { name_ = value; dirty_ = true; }
    public bool IsDirty { get { return dirty_; } }
}   // eo class SomeObject

public class SomeObjectWithChildren : IDirty
    private int averageGrades_;
    private bool dirty_;
    private List<IDirty> children_ = new List<IDirty>();

    public bool IsDirty
            bool ret = dirty_;
            foreach (IDirty child in children_)
                dirty_ |= child.IsDirty;
            return ret;

}   // eo class SomeObjectWithChildren

