How to check if exists any duplicate in Java 8 Streams?

Your code would need to iterate over all elements. If you want to make sure that there are no duplicates simple method like

public static <T> boolean areAllUnique(List<T> list){
    Set<T> set = new HashSet<>();

    for (T t: list){
        if (!set.add(t))
            return false;
    return true;

would be more efficient since it can give you false immediately when first non-unique element would be found.

This method could also be rewritten using Stream#allMatch which also is short-circuit (returns false immediately for first element which doesn't fulfill provided condition)
(assuming non-parallel streams and thread-safe environment)

public static <T> boolean areAllUnique(List<T> list){
    Set<T> set = new HashSet<>();
    return -> set.add(t));

which can be farther shortened as @Holger pointed out in comment

public static <T> boolean areAllUnique(List<T> list){
    return HashSet<>()::add);

I used the following:
1. return list.size() == new HashSet<>(list).size();.

I'm not sure how it compares to:
2. return list.size() ==;
3. return HashSet<>()::add);
in terms of performance.

The last one (#3) has possibility to handle not only collections (e.g. lists), but also streams (without explicitly collecting them).

Upd.: The last one (#3) seems to be the best not only because it can handle pure streams, but also because it stops on the first duplicate (while #1 and #2 always iterate till the end) — as @Pshemo said in comment.