How to check Toolbar title in android instrumental test?

This works for me:

onView(allOf(instanceOf(TextView.class), withParent(withId(

If you're using an ActionBar, not a Toolbar, use this:

        .check(matches(withText("My ActionBar title")));

Note: To quickly add the imports for these methods, put the blinking cursor on the unresolved method, then do Android Studio ➔ HelpFind Action ➔ search for "show context action" or "show intention action" ➔ click on the result option ➔ A popup window will appear ➔ click on "Import static method ...". You can also assign a keyboard shortcut to "Show Context Actions". More info here. Another way is to enable "Add unambiguous imports on the fly" in the Settings.


The method is fine. As Chiu-Ki Chan wrote in her tutorial you can "pinpoint that one particular view". BUT you have to make sure you imported proper Toolbar:


instead of:

import android.widget.Toolbar;

Here's an alternative (and more idiomatic approach):
