How to check whether a vector is LIFO/FIFO decreasing

Here is a possible approach to calculate the lifo vector first before filter for those rows with lifo vectors:

#convert into long format from MichaelChirico and svenkatesh
tbl <- melt(fill, meas=patterns("^v[1-9]$", "prm$"),"bef","aft"))
setorder(tbl, n, -variable)

     #filter for those lifo vector
fill[n %in% 
        tbl[, {
                #calculate stock taken out
                dif <- sum(bef) - sum(aft)

                #calculate lifo vector
                lifo <- pmin(pmax(cumsum(bef) - dif, 0L), bef)

                #check if after is this lifo vector
                identical(lifo, aft)

            }, by=.(n)][(V1), n]


   n v1 v2 v3 v1prm v2prm v3prm
1: 3  5 10  9     5    10     9
2: 4  1  8  1     1     8     1
3: 6  8  7  0     8     7     0
4: 7  0  0  6     0     0     2


fill <- structure(list(n = 1:7, v1 = c(2L, 7L, 5L, 1L, 6L, 8L, 0L), v2 = c(9L, 
    4L, 10L, 8L, 0L, 7L, 0L), v3 = c(0L, 8L, 9L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 6L), 
    v1prm = c(0L, 7L, 5L, 1L, 6L, 8L, 0L), v2prm = c(9L, 1L, 
        10L, 8L, 0L, 7L, 0L), v3prm = c(0L, 8L, 9L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 2L
        )), row.names = c(NA, -7L), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"

To reiterate the approach from @chinsoon12 and @MichaelChirico in the comments:

Here is fill:

   n prod1vint1 prod1vint2 prod1vint3 prod1vint1prm prod1vint2prm prod1vint3prm
1: 1          2          9          0             0             9             0
2: 2          7          4          8             7             1             8
3: 3          5         10          9             5            10             9
4: 4          1          8          1             1             8             1
5: 5          6          0          0             6             0             1
6: 6          8          7          0             8             7             0
7: 7          0          0          6             0             0             2

# Melt so that the data from the "prm" columns are different from the "prod" columns 
d = melt(fill, measure.vars = patterns("int[1-9]$", "prm$"))

# Subtract the vectors and check whether the difference is increasing (LIFO condition)
s = d[, !is.unsorted(value1 - value2), by=.(n)]

# Select the rows that satisfy the LIFO condition 
output = fill[n %in% d[, s[(V1), n]], ]

Here is the output:

   n prod1vint1 prod1vint2 prod1vint3 prod1vint1prm prod1vint2prm prod1vint3prm
1: 3          5         10          9             5            10             9
2: 4          1          8          1             1             8             1
3: 6          8          7          0             8             7             0
4: 7          0          0          6             0             0             2