How to check whether all bytes in a memory block are zero

You could perhaps actually use memcmp without having to allocate a zero-valued array, like this:

static int memvcmp(void *memory, unsigned char val, unsigned int size)
    unsigned char *mm = (unsigned char*)memory;
    return (*mm == val) && memcmp(mm, mm + 1, size - 1) == 0;

The standard for memcmp does not say anything about overlapping memory regions.

The obvious portable, high efficiency method is:

char testblock [fixedElementSize];
memset (testblock, 0, sizeof testblock);

if (!memcmp (testblock, memoryBlock + elementNr*fixedElementSize, fixedElementSize)
   // block is all zero
else  // a byte is non-zero

The library function memcmp() in most implementations will use the largest, most efficient unit size it can for the majority of comparisons.

For more efficiency, don't set testblock at runtime:

static const char testblock [100];

By definition, static variables are automatically initialized to zero unless there is an initializer.

I can't believe no one posted this yet... a solution that actually looks like C++ and isn't UB for breaking aliasing rules:

#include <algorithm> // std::all_of
#include <cstddef>   // std::size_t

// You might only need this
memory_is_all_zeroes(unsigned char const* const begin,
                     std::size_t          const bytes)
    return std::all_of( begin, begin + bytes,
                        [](unsigned char const byte) { return byte == 0; } );

// but here's this as a bonus
template<typename T_Element, std::size_t T_count>
array_is_all_zeroes( T_Element const (& array)[T_count] )
    auto const begin = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char const*>(array);
    auto const bytes = T_count * sizeof(T_Element);

    return memory_is_all_zeroes(begin, bytes);

    int const blah[1000]{0};

    return !array_is_all_zeroes(blah);

This might not satisfy some people's assumptions about efficiency (which are just that, assumptions, until profiled), but I think being valid and idiomatic code are much in its favour.

