How to check whether an object is a date?

As an alternative to duck typing via

typeof date.getMonth === 'function'

you can use the instanceof operator, i.e. But it will return true for invalid dates too, e.g. new Date('random_string') is also instance of Date

date instanceof Date

This will fail if objects are passed across frame boundaries.

A work-around for this is to check the object's class via === '[object Date]'

You can use the following code:

(myvar instanceof Date) // returns true or false

In order to check if the value is a valid type of the standard JS-date object, you can make use of this predicate:

function isValidDate(date) {
  return date && === "[object Date]" && !isNaN(date);
  1. date checks whether the parameter was not a falsy value (undefined, null, 0, "", etc..)
  2. returns a native string representation of the given object type - In our case "[object Date]". Because date.toString() overrides its parent method, we need to .call or .apply the method from Object.prototype directly which ..
    • Bypasses user-defined object type with the same constructor name (e.g.: "Date")
    • Works across different JS contexts (e.g. iframes) in contrast to instanceof or Date.prototype.isPrototypeOf.
  3. !isNaN(date) finally checks whether the value was not an Invalid Date.