How to clone a javascript ES6 class instance

It is complicated; I tried a lot! In the end, this one-liner worked for my custom ES6 class instances:

let clone = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(orig)), orig)

It avoids setting the prototype because they say it slows down the code a lot.

It supports symbols but isn't perfect for getters/setters and isn't working with non-enumerable properties (see Object.assign() docs). Also, cloning basic internal classes (like Array, Date, RegExp, Map, etc.) sadly often seems to need some individual handling.

Conclusion: It is a mess. Let's hope that there will one day be a native and clean clone functionality.

const clone = Object.assign( {}, instanceOfBlah );
Object.setPrototypeOf( clone, Blah.prototype );

Note the characteristics of Object.assign: it does a shallow copy and does not copy class methods.

If you want a deep copy or more control over the copy then there are the lodash clone functions.