How to close the (local) Debug window/palette

1. You may turn off this menu selection:

enter image description here

(Or uncheck Debugger to turn off the entire apparatus.)

2. The tools are:

Mathematica graphics

Version 10 bugs

Mathematica 10 (and later) seems to have some strange problems regarding the debugger tools window. In 10.0 and 10.1 under Windows once I turn on the debugger I experience the window persisting even after the menu is unchecked; it reappears when I close a Notebook window. I suspect this has to do with the change to individual window menus rather than a menu bar. Fortunately in my case restarting Mathematica removes the tools window, however other people have experienced it persisting between sessions; see:

  • Annoying window. How to remove it?
  • Issue with the debug tools window
  • How to close the debugger window
  • Whye does the Debugger Control Palette keep popping up?

In version 10, we need to Evaluation->Quit Kernel and then Start Kernel to prevent the debugger tool window from reappear.


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