How to combine fill and pattern in a pgfplot bar plot?

You can use a postaction to draw the pattern after the yellow background.

tiger bar plot


\begin{axis}[ybar, samples=10, enlarge y limits=upper, ymin=0]
\addplot +[
        pattern=north east lines


In older versions of PGFfplots, you needed to use every path to apply the pattern.

In order to apply the postaction, you can use every path/.style={postaction={...}}. This requires that you clear the postaction, e.g. using the approach given in Applying a postaction to every path in TikZ, as otherwise you get an infinite recursion.



\begin{axis}[ybar, samples=10]
\addplot +[
    every path/.style={
            pattern=north east lines


I think the answer is yes: by two separate path instructions with the same path: one without pattern but with fill color and one with the chosen pattern.

In terms of the \addplot command of pgfplots: two separate \addplot commands, one with \addplot[fill,forget plot,...] and one with the pattern. The forget plot tells pgfplots to avoid legend entries for the plot.

If this appears to be unsuitable, you may want to look into decorations - perhaps they support such a thing.