how to compare in sql code example

Example 1: sql difference between tables

-- Oracle

-- Example
FROM Table1 -- the table containing extra records
  FROM Table2;

-- Syntax 
FROM <table-1> -- the table containing extra records
  FROM <table-2>;

Example 2: how to compare in sql

(Between) operator same as  ">= <="
For example: 
Select * From Employees Where salary Between 4000 AND 6000;

(NOT) operator excluding given
For example:
Select last_name, job_id From Employees
Where "Not" job_id = 'ABC';

(IN) operator in sql like "OR" operator
For example: 
Select * From employees
Where department_id "IN" (60,90); 

(Like) Operator for partial searches using wildcard '%' and '_'
For Example:
Select * From Employees
Where last_name LIKE '_a%';

(Top N results)
Select * From Employees Where ROWNUM <=5;

(NVL) replaces NULL values with same type default
value provided.
For Example = 
Select NVL(commission_percentage, 0)
From Employees;

Example 3: how to compare in sql

(Between) operator same as  ">= <="
For example: 
Select * From Employees Where salary Between 4000 AND 6000;

(NOT) operator excluding given
For example:
Select last_name, job_id From Employees
Where "Not" job_id = 'ABC';

(IN) operator in sql like "OR" operator
For example: 
Select * From employees
Where department_id "IN" (60,90); 

(Like) Operator for partial searches using wildcard '%' and '_'
For Example:
Select * From Employees
Where last_name LIKE '_a%';

(Top N results)
Select * From Employees Where ROWNUM <=5;

(NVL) replaces NULL values with same type default
value provided.
For Example = 
Select NVL(commission_percentage, 0)
From Employees;


Misc Example