How to compare two array of objects?

Assume your data like that:

struct Person
        let name: String
        let id:  Int

    var people1 = [
        Person(name: "Quang Hà", id: 42),
        Person(name: "Lý Hải", id: 23),
        Person(name: "Maria", id: 99)

    var people2 = [
        Person(name: "Maria yyy", id: 99),
        Person(name: "Billy", id: 42),
        Person(name: "David", id: 23)

This is the method to compare two arrays of people with id:

func areArrayPeopleEqual(people1:[Person], people2: [Person]) -> Bool {
    var array1 = people1
    var array2 = people2

    // Don't equal size => false
    if array1.count != array2.count {
        return false

    // sort two arrays
    array1.sortInPlace() { $ > $ }
    array2.sortInPlace() {$ > $ }

    // get count of the matched items
    let result = zip(array1, array2).enumerate().filter() {
        $ == $

    if result == array1.count {
        return true

    return false

You can try like this:

let result = zip(array1, array2).enumerated().filter() {
    $1.0 == $1.1

Swift 4

The following method makes it much more easy.

Method 1 - Using Equatable Protocol

Step1 - Make your class 'A' equatable as follows

extension A: Equatable {
    static func ==(lhs: A, rhs: A) -> Bool {
        // Using "identifier" property for comparison
        return lhs.identifier == rhs.identifier

Step2 - Sort your arrays in ascending or descending order

let lhsArray = array1.sorted(by: { $0.identifier < $1.identifier })
let rhsArray = array2.sorted(by: { $0.identifier < $1.identifier })

Step3 - Use == or elementsEqual comparison

let isEqual = lhsArray == rhsArray


let isEqual = lhsArray.elementsEqual(rhsArray, by: { $0 == $1} )

Method 2 (Without Equatable Protocol)

Step 1 - Sort Array as described in Method1, step 2

Step 2 - Use elementsEqual

lhsArray.elementsEqual(rhsArray, by: { $0.identifier == $1.identifier })

Read more about Array Comparison here