How to concatenate multiple columns into single column (with no prior knowledge on their number)?

TL;DR Use struct function with Dataset.columns operator.

Quoting the scaladoc of struct function:

struct(colName: String, colNames: String*): Column Creates a new struct column that composes multiple input columns.

There are two variants: string-based for column names or using Column expressions (that gives you more flexibility on the calculation you want to apply on the concatenated columns).

From Dataset.columns:

columns: Array[String] Returns all column names as an array.

Your case would then look as follows:

scala> df.withColumn("newCol",
  struct(df.columns.head, df.columns.tail: _*)).
|agentName |original_dt|parsed_dt|user   |text|newCol                    |
|qwertyuiop|0          |0        |16102.0|0   |[qwertyuiop,0,0,16102.0,0]|

I think this works perfect for your case here is with an example

val spark =
  import spark.implicits._
  val data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(
      ("qwertyuiop", 0, 0, 16102.0, 0)

  val result = data.withColumn("newCol", split(concat_ws(";",> col(c)):_*), ";")) 

|agentName |original_dt|parsed_dt|user   |text|newCol                        |
|qwertyuiop|0          |0        |16102.0|0   |[qwertyuiop, 0, 0, 16102.0, 0]|

Hope this helped!