Apple - How to configure Terminal to be "Putty-like" when it comes to copy-paste with mouse?

Terminal is limited in its configurability but iTerm2 is a Terminal replacement that does what you ask and more. Including bookmarks for ssh sessions not unlike puTTY.

If you have a three-button mouse (e.g., the Apple Mighty Mouse scroll ball can act as a third button), Terminal will paste the current selection if you Middle-Click (just like X11 and xterm). It is the same as invoking the Edit > Paste Selection command, which has the keyboard shortcut Shift-Command-V.

As of OS X 10.8, selecting text in a terminal copies the text to a pasteboard and Paste Selection pastes the contents of this pasteboard (akin to X11’s PRIMARY). It now behaves very much like xterm under X11. As a result, Paste Selection and Middle-Click are now available when there is no selection, pasting the same text until something else is selected, and the text persists when quitting/reopening Terminal. The pasteboard has the identifier and is available to other programs.

Also, you can drag-and-drop selected text to Paste it. You can of course drag to other terminal windows (or other applications), but you can also just drag a few pixels and then release to Paste into the current terminal.

NO need to download anything. In Terminal do

  1. select text to copy
  2. to paste, click the middle button of the mouse, or (cmd + shift + v)

I just tried in Yosemite.

Also works in High Sierra.

