How to convert a shapefile into a graph in which use Dijkstra
The sg module uses Fiona to read the shapefiles (see ) and if you can use the module, therefore Fiona is installed.
If you cannot use (because of osgeo) and you have problems with sg, you can use Fiona and Networkx to create a Networkx Graph. (GSE: How to calculate edge length in Networkx for example).
from shapely.geometry import shape
import fiona
geoms =[shape(feature['geometry']) for feature in"stac_graphe.shp")]
import itertools
# create a Graph
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
for line in geoms:
for seg_start, seg_end in itertools.izip(list(line.coords),list(line.coords)[1:]):
G.add_edge(seg_start, seg_end)
You can also create a Planar Graph
from shapely.ops import unary_union
res = unary_union(geoms)
G = nx.Graph()
for line in res:
for seg_start, seg_end in itertools.izip(list(line.coords),list(line.coords)[1:]):
G.add_edge(seg_start, seg_end)
There is a problem if some geometries are Multigeometries
For example:
geoms =[shape(feature['geometry']) for feature in"multiline.shp")]
for line in geoms:
print line
MULTILINESTRING ((3 4, 10 50, 20 25), (-5 -8, -10 -8, -15 -4))
With geoms[0], you decompose the Multigeometry
for line in geoms[0]:
print line
LINESTRING (3 4, 10 50, 20 25)
LINESTRING (-5 -8, -10 -8, -15 -4)
Therefore the script becomes
if line.geom_type== "MultiLineString":