How to convert Android.Resource.Color to Android.Graphics.Color

Resources.GetColor has been deprecated. Make sure you use ContextCompat.GetColor instead.



Will become

int colorInt = ContextCompat.GetColor(this.Context, Resource.Color.HoloOrangeDark))

ContextCompat returns a int so to get a Color out of it just create a new color and pass in the int.

Color color = new Color(colorInt);

Try this in Xamarin also

int colorIntFG = ContextCompat.GetColor(this, Resource.Color.colorCardDaysFGAlert);

txtView.SetTextColor(new Android.Graphics.Color(colorIntFG));

You can try this:


Resources.GetColor has been deprecated. You can use from ContextCompat like below:

ContextCompat.GetColor(mContext, Resource.Color.HoloOrangeDark);