How to Convert Arabic Characters to Unicode Using PHP

Just set the element containing the arabic text to "rtl" (right to left), then input correctly spelled arabic and the text will flow with all ligatures looked for.

div { direction:rtl; }

On a side note, don't forget to read "The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)"

Think about that : The "ba" (ب) arabic letter is a "ba" no matter where it appears in the sentence.

i assume you wnat to convert بهروز to \u0628\u0647\u0631\u0648\u0632 take a look at all you have to do after calling unicodeToUtf8('بهروز') is to convert integers you got in array to hex & make sure they have 4digigts & prefix em with \u & you're done. also you can get same using json_encode

json_encode('بهروز') // returns "\u0628\u0647\u0631\u0648\u0632"


seems you want to get character codes of بب which first one differs from second one, all you have to do is applying bidi algorithm on your text using fribidi_log2vis then getting character code by one of ways i said before.

here's example:

$string = 'بب'; // \u0628\u0628
$bidiString = fribidi_log2vis($string, FRIBIDI_LTR, FRIBIDI_CHARSET_UTF8);
json_encode($bidiString); // \ufe90\ufe91


i just remembered that tcpdf has bidi algorithm which implemented using pure php so if you can not get fribidi extension of php to work, you can use tcpdf (utf8Bidi by default is protected so you need to make it public)

require_once(''); //
require_once('tcpdf.php'); //
$t = new TCPDF();
$text = 'بب';
$t->utf8Bidi(utf8ToUnicode($text)); // will return an array like array(0 => 65168, 1 => 65169)

All what you need is function called: utf8Glyphs which you can find it in ArGlyphs.class.php download it from ar-php and visit Ar-PHP for the ArPHP more information about the project and classes.

This will reverse the word with same of its characters (glyphs).

Example of usage:

    $Arabic = new Arabic('ArGlyphs');

    $text = 'بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم';
    $text = $Arabic->utf8Glyphs($text);
    echo $text;