How to convert ISO8601 to Date format in php

There is no reason to use the inefficient time functions. The most efficient way is to simply extract the first 10 characters:


People, that are really coding for year ≥10000, can use:


try this

$date = '2014-03-13T09:05:50.240Z';

$fixed = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));

The complete date function documentation can be found here:

The PHP function "strtotime" does nothing else then converting your timestring into an unix timestamp.

Hope I could help :)

P.s.: Just in case strtotime will return 0 try using this:

$date = '2014-03-13T09:05:50.240Z';

$fixed = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(substr($date,0,10)));

Since PHP 5.2.0 you can do it using OOP and DateTime() as well (of course if you prefer OOP):

$now = new DateTime("2014-03-13T09:05:50.240Z");
echo $now->format('Y-m-d');    // MySQL datetime format