How to convert modern HTML to PDF

Here is a command line tool that you can use to convert HTML pages to PDF just as they would be in chrome. Once you have it installed, you can use it with whatever programming language you want (Python, Java, PHP, etc.) to automatically generate PDFs from HTML web pages or documents. All of the dependencies should be well maintained well into the future, so it shouldn't have the same issues as things like wkhtmltopdf that were difficult to maintain.


To install it, you'll need npm, and type:

npm install chromehtml2pdf

or to make it globally available to all users on the system

npm install -g chromehtml2pdf

Command line usage:

chromehtml2pdf --out=file.pdf --landscape=1

For help (to view all possible options), type:

chromehtml2pdf --help

Feel free to make pull requests on github.

If all you wanted to do was get rid of Chrome's default header/footer, and you control the page in question, you can do that with CSS, without having to use something more complex than a simple command line call.

@media print {
  @page { margin: 0; }

Of course, you probably do want margins on your pages, so you'll need to fake those. The complexity of doing so varies depending on how many pages you meant to emit to PDF. The recommended body margins in the linked Answer will work if you're emitting a 1-pager. If not, you'll need to use other methods. For example, for multiple pages, you can add body padding on the left and right, then wrap each page's content in a tag with margin for top and bottom.