How to Convert Qcolor value to hex value?

You need to print selectedColor().name() to print the actual color value in hex. See the QColor Documentation

To amplify a bit, maybe confuse, maybe clarify... (For Python newbies)

color = QColorDialog.getColor(pWidget.textBackgroundColor(), pWidget, 'Get Text Highlighting Color')

The above will return a QColor using the QColorDialog, for those of us who don't want to be stuck with named colors like 'Blue', 'red', green etc.

fg =

In this case I am converting the QColor to a string HEX for use in a style sheet.

Widget.setStyleSheet('background-color: ' + bg + ';color: ' + fg)

This is how such a converted value can be used in a style sheet.

Note how to concatenate more than one stylesheet attribute. Also, side note, sometimes changing one attribute cancels previous changes to others.



