How to convert Response JSON to Object in Flutter?

Same answer but, what happens when you have nested JsonObjects? Easy:

Given a jsonResponse like this:

  "id": 1,
  "type": 15,
  "innerClass": {
    "id": 1,
    "type": "testing"

This is an example of how the code looks like:

class MainClass {
  int id = 0;
  int version = 0;
  InnerClass innerClass;

  MainClass (,
//Create the same factory converter, but using another inner factory 'fromJson' converter
//for the inner class object (InnerClass.fromJson(json['inner_class']))

  factory MainClass.fromJson(dynamic json) {
    return MainClass(
        json['id'] as int, // << put your json response keys instead.
        json['version'] as int,
        InnerClass.fromJson(json['innerClass']) // << this one

Then, repeat the same strategy but for the inner class object:

class InnerClass {
  int id = 0;
  String type = 'testing_type';
  InnerClass (,
  factory InnerClass.fromJson(dynamic json) {
    return InnerClass(
        json['id'] as int,
        json['type'] as String

Finally, you could cosume that, in another part of you project like this:

try {
          mainClassDartObject = MainClass.fromJson(response.body);
     } catch (e) {

Here is a basic answer for this if you want to access your information after the request with no extra steps.

 Map<String, dynamic> data = jsonDecode(response.body);
 String token = data["data"]["access_token"];

the structure of the object from the request was like this:

  "data": {

Don't need to use cast, you can parse directly to a Map

final Map parsed = json.decode(res); 

After you have a map you can use that data to convert into your Object.

final signUp = SignUpResponse.fromJson(parsed);

And if you want to parse an array of objects, you could do something like this:

//assuming this json returns an array of signupresponse objects
final List parsedList = json.decode(res); 

List<SignUpResponse> list = =>  SignUpResponse.fromJson(val)).toList();

The JSON :

       "name":"Aland Islands",

The POJO Class :

    class country{
       String id;
       String name;
       String currency;


       factory country.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> parsedJson){
         return country(
         id: parsedJson['id'].toString(),
         name : parsedJson['name'].toString(),
         currency: parsedJson['currency'].toString() 



    var ddd=jsonDecode(response.body);

    Country_object_list = (ddd as List)
      .map((data) => new country.fromJson(data))