How to convert Seconds to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL
You want to multiply out to milliseconds as the fractional part is discarded.
SELECT DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0)
If you want it without the date portion you can use CONVERT, with style 114
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, 121.25 * 1000, 0), 114)
If your time amount exceeds 24 hours it won't be handled correctly with the DATEADD and CONVERT methods.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, 24*60*60 * 1000, 0), 114)
The following function will handle times exceeding 24 hours (~max 35,791,394 hours).
create function [dbo].[ConvertTimeToHHMMSS]
@time decimal(28,3),
@unit varchar(20)
returns varchar(20)
declare @seconds decimal(18,3), @minutes int, @hours int;
if(@unit = 'hour' or @unit = 'hh' )
set @seconds = @time * 60 * 60;
else if(@unit = 'minute' or @unit = 'mi' or @unit = 'n')
set @seconds = @time * 60;
else if(@unit = 'second' or @unit = 'ss' or @unit = 's')
set @seconds = @time;
else set @seconds = 0; -- unknown time units
set @hours = convert(int, @seconds /60 / 60);
set @minutes = convert(int, (@seconds / 60) - (@hours * 60 ));
set @seconds = @seconds % 60;
convert(varchar(9), convert(int, @hours)) + ':' +
right('00' + convert(varchar(2), convert(int, @minutes)), 2) + ':' +
right('00' + convert(varchar(6), @seconds), 6)
select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(123, 's')
select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(96.999, 'mi')
select dbo.ConvertTimeToHHMMSS(35791394.999, 'hh')
For those having issues with using DATEADD and CONVERT for seconds exceeding 24 hours, we can use modulus to get around that:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, @seconds / 86400 ) + ':' + -- Days
CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(ms, ( @seconds % 86400 ) * 1000, 0), 114)
as "Converted to D:HH:MM:SS.MS"