How to copy a folder structure and make symbolic links to files?

Here's the solution on non-embedded Linux and Cygwin:


Note that SOURCE must be an absolute path and have a trailing slash. If you want to give a relative path, you can use

cp -as "$(pwd)/SOURCE/" COPY

There are at least 2 standard utilities to build a shadow directory tree of an existing tree, so no need to write code here.

First there's lndir(1) from the xutils-dev package. It uses symlinks to files. From the man page:

   lndir  -  create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another
             directory tree
   lndir [ -silent ] [ -ignorelinks ] [ -withrevinfo ] fromdir [ todir ]

A perhaps better alternative is to simply use cp with the right options as the accepted answer suggests. I'll just give some more hopefully useful detail:

cp -al /src/dir /dest/dir    # hard-links to leaf-files
cp -as /src/dir /dest/dir    # symlinks to leaf-files

If you don't care about preserving all attributes (ownerships/permissions, times) replace the a option (equivalent to -dr --preserve=all) with r (recursive only):

cp -rl /src/dir /dest/dir    # hard-links to leaf-files
cp -rs /src/dir /dest/dir    # symlinks to leaf-files

You can try a couple of find commands like this:

find . \( ! -regex '\.' \) -type d -exec mkdir FULL-PATH-TO-COPY/{} \;
find * -type f -exec ln -s `pwd`/{} FULL-PATH-TO-COPY/{} \;