How to copy a table from one mysql database to another mysql database
mysqldump -u user1 -ppassword1 databasename TblName | mysql -u user2 -ppassword2 anotherDatabase
It all can be done in a single command.
$L1 = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user1', 'pass1');
$DB1 = mysql_select_db('database1', $L1);
$L2 = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user2', 'pass2');
$DB2 = mysql_select_db('database2', $L2);
$re=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1",$L1);
foreach($i as $k=>$v) if($k!=$keyfield) $u[]="$k='$v'";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table2 (".implode(',',array_keys($i)).") VALUES ('".implode("','",$i)."') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".implode(',',$u),$L2) or die(mysql_error());
user1, pass1, database1, table1 reffers to initial table user2, pass2, database2, table2 reffers to copied table $keyfield is the primary key of table
I'd dump it. Much less complicated than anything PHP based.
mysqldump -u user1 -ppassword1 databasename > dump.sql
mysql -u user2 -ppassword2 databasename < dump.sql
MySQL reference: 4.5.4. mysqldump — A Database Backup Program
If you need to copy the table on the same server you can use this code:
USE db2;
CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE db1.table1;
SELECT * FROM db1.table1;
It's copy+pasted from here:
It's not my solution, but I find it useful.