How to copy dependencies jars (without test jars) to a directory using maven?

Mike answered their own question in a comment above. I think Mike's use case is similar to mine where I want to copy all of the jars I depend upon as well as my own jar in order to create a directory hierarchy sufficient to execute the program without including those dependencies directly into my own jar.

The answer to achieve this is:


This directive goes into the section of the pom.xml for the maven-dependency plugin. For example:


excludeScope won't work because excluding test aborts the build and excludes all possible scopes. Instead the included scope needs to be adjusted.

Documentation says: The scopes being interpreted are the scopes as Maven sees them, not as specified in the pom.

In summary:
  * runtime scope gives runtime and compile dependencies
  * compile scope gives compile, provided, and system dependencies
  * test (default) scope gives all dependencies
  * provided scope just gives provided dependencies
  * system scope just gives system dependencies

According to my experience, if you just wanna run your classes with compile scoped dependencies, specified in project pom.xml file, you must add -DincludeScope=runtime java system setting, like so:

mvn compile dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime
java -cp "target/dependecy/*:target/classes" com.example.Main args...


It is not clear if you wanted to exclude jars with test scope or test related jars (test classifier). In either case, there are two properties of dependency:copy-dependencies which can help you.

  • excludeClassifiers Comma Separated list of Classifiers to exclude. Empty String indicates don't exclude anything (default).
  • excludeScope Scope to exclude. An Empty string indicates no scopes (default).

