How to copy directories via ssh

If you want to copy a directory from machine a to b while logged into a:

scp -r /path/to/directory user@ipaddress:/path/to/destination

If you want to copy a directory from machine a to b while logged into b:

scp -r user@ipaddress:/path/to/directory /path/to/destination

I don't quite understand what you mean by "doesn't clicked to me", I have used this method countless times before.

You can use cpio or tar to create an archive as a stream on standard output, pipe that to ssh and extract the stream on the remote host. For example, using tar:

tar cf - dir | ssh remotehost tar xf -

To extract the archive in a different directory on the remote host, use

tar cf - dir | ssh remotehost tar xfC - /path/on/remote

Think this might work for you:

scp file user@host:/location_to_save_file

scp - secure copy - the file(s) you want to scp to remote node - the user who has permissions to scp file, i.e sysadmin, etc @ - user and host separator host - the node you are scp the file(s) :/location_to_save_file - absolute path to save the file



