How to copy & paste from Ubuntu VirtualBox guest to Windows host?

Go to VirtualMachine's Settings->General->Advanced->Shared Clipboard (Bidirectional)

Reboot your virtual machine.

for me it solved the problem (it was set on Disabled), I had some machines working some not, so i checked settings in working ones they had bidirectional clipboard. Dont know if this was upgrade issue or... just double check your shared clipboard options.

Hope this helps someone.

VirtualBox V 4.1.20

Start your VM then install Virtualbox Guest Addition
You can find this option under "Devices" on virtual box 4.2 or you can follow the explanations at How do I install Guest Additions in a VirtualBox VM?

I had to do four steps:

  1. Install Virtual Box extension pack in host
  2. Activate shared clipboard in menu
  3. Install Virtual Box guest extensions in ubuntu guest
    • sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11
  4. Reboot virtual machine