How to correctly use `.user.ini`-file in PHP?
In the documentation it says:
These files are processed only by the CGI/FastCGI SAPI
If you are using Apache, use
files for the same effect.
So if you run PHP as an Apache module, from the commandline, or using the builtin-Server, the .user.ini
-files are not processed.
To find out your Server API, simply generate a PHP script with the following content and call it in your webbrowser:
<? phpinfo();
According to
Check user_ini.filename
in your main php.ini
to make sure it's not blank and it is indeed parsed. If its value is blank then PHP doesn't scan at all.
Also see the value of user_ini.cache_ttl
Please take a look at manual
Also check this question out Loading a .user.ini PHP conf file using the PHP 5.4 internal server?