How to create a .jar file using the terminal
Yes, we need to use new line at the end of class name... It worked for me
i.e. Main-Class: HelloWorld
It will look like this in Notepad++
1.Main-Class: HelloWorld
Maybe this will help re Manifest.txt file:
Warning: The text file must end with a new line or carriage return. The last line will not be parsed properly if it does not end with a new line or carriage return.
1) Ensure that all necessary files are within the directory, you have opened a terminal/Command Prompt and have navigated to that directory.
2) Compile the .java class, for example with
3) This will produce a .class file needed for the JAR file.
4) Next create a manifest file (saved using the extension .txt) using the text editor and input the following
Main-Class: HelloWorld
or whatever your file's name is.
5) Next create the JAR file using this code:
jar cfm HelloWorld.jar Manifest.txt HelloWorld.class
6) Run the file:
java -jar HelloWorld.jar
If anything seems unclear consult these websites: creating a jar file and setting an applications entry point.
Hope this helps others, cheers Tom!
Following inga's comment it's worth noting that in order to include multiple files in the jar you need to use the:
javac *.java
followed by
jar cfm HelloWorld.jar Manifest.txt *.class
You need to have an text file that defines the main class. E.g.
% cat MyMain
Main-Class: HelloWorld
%jar cvfm foo.jar MyMain *.class
%java -jar foo.jar
Hello world