how to create a partition in free space using GNU Parted
Number Start End Size File system
468GB 520GB 52.4GB Free Space
Well, as you can see Start is 468GB
and End is 520GB
. Now, parted
defaults to MB
so you'll have to specify the unit
unit GB mkpart primary ntfs 468 520
or append unit suffix to the start/end numbers:
mkpart primary ext2 468GB 520GB
Alternatively, you can list the values in MB
unit MB print free
and then use the start/end values without any unit/suffix e.g.
mkpart primary ext2 468012 520008
Another solution would be to use percentage unit (%) to specify sizes:
sudo parted -s /dev/sdX mkpart primary 0% 100%
If a label is not present in the disk device, you will need to create it first. For example:
sudo parted -s /dev/sdX mklabel msdos
Caution! 0% and 100% points correspondingly to the start and to the end of entire physical disk, and not just free space. So if you run sudo parted -s /dev/sdX mkpart primary 0% 100%
, this will destroy all existing partitions.