How to create a predicate to filter array of enums with associated values in Swift?

The filter function can either be invoked as a global function over an array, or as an instance method (I prefer the later as it is more OO).

It accepts a closure with one parameter (the element being evaluated) that return a boolean (indicating whether the element matches the required condition).

Since it's a simple closure in a clear situation it's ok to use the abbreviated form.

I guess that other "With" cases would be added to your enum, so you could go with something like:

let filteredArray = enums.filter { 
    switch $0 {
      case let .WithString(value):
        return value == "C"
        return false

That should do the trick in your example.

As someone already mentioned, for Swift > 2.0 there's if case statement available:

enums.filter {
  if case .WithString("C") = $0 {
    return true
  return false

But, it doesn't look nice, especially if you are going to repeat same logic again. What we can do here is to make EnumType conform to Equatable:

extension EnumType: Equatable {

func ==(lhs: EnumType, rhs: EnumType) -> Bool {
    switch (lhs, rhs) {
    case (.WithString(let lStr), .WithString(let rStr)):
        return lStr == rStr

And now you can just:

enums.filter { $0 == .WithString("C") }

You could try adding a simple extension with a computed property to your enum and filter to that property:

extension EnumType {
  var isC: Bool {
    switch self {
    case .WithString(let message): return message == "C"
    default: return false

After this, you could simpy use the filtering as usual:

enums.filter { $0.isC }