How to create a redis cloud connection url with an auth password

  • Version 6+ now supports users:
  • If you aren't using an Access Control List (ACL) for your instance (meaning you auth as the default user) or are using an older version of Redis, you should omit the username from your Redis URL (e.g., redis://rediscloud:mypassword@...redis://:mypassword@...)
  • If you include a username like rediscloud in the URL and your instance doesn't have that user configured in your ACL, you will likely run into auth issues for WRONGPASSWORD errors as more Redis client libraries implement ACL support.

I use golang ( and connect to aliyun cloud Redis (link:

By the connect string:


when 0 is the database index and success

At the moment (up to and including v4), Redis doesn't support users and only provides authentication against a global password. In order to be compliant with the URI RFC ( and based on the provisional RFC for Redis URIs (, you can pass anything as a username, including the empty string, and it will be okay (i.e. ignored).

P.S. thanks for bringing up this obscurity in our docs, I'll see that it is amended.

