How to create a release signed apk file using Gradle?
Note that @sdqali's script will (at least when using Gradle 1.6) ask for the password
anytime you invoke any gradle task. Since you only need it when doing gradle assembleRelease
(or similar), you could use the following trick:
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
// We can leave these in environment variables
storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE"))
keyAlias System.getenv("KEY_ALIAS")
// These two lines make gradle believe that the signingConfigs
// section is complete. Without them, tasks like installRelease
// will not be available!
storePassword "notYourRealPassword"
keyPassword "notYourRealPassword"
task askForPasswords << {
// Must create String because System.readPassword() returns char[]
// (and assigning that below fails silently)
def storePw = new String(System.console().readPassword("Keystore password: "))
def keyPw = new String(System.console().readPassword("Key password: "))
android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = storePw
android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = keyPw
tasks.whenTaskAdded { theTask ->
if ("packageRelease")) {
theTask.dependsOn "askForPasswords"
Note that I also had to add the following (under android) to make it work:
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
Easier way than previous answers:
Put this into ~/.gradle/
RELEASE_STORE_FILE={path to your keystore}
Modify your app/build.gradle
, and add this inside the android {
code block:
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file(RELEASE_STORE_FILE)
// Optional, specify signing versions used
v1SigningEnabled true
v2SigningEnabled true
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
Then you can run gradle assembleRelease
Also see the reference for the signingConfigs
Gradle DSL
I managed to solve it adding this code, and building with gradle build
android {
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file("release.keystore")
storePassword "******"
keyAlias "******"
keyPassword "******"
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
This generates a signed release apk file.