How to Create Animated Cluster Markers in OpenLayers/Leaflet?

If you want a clusterer like redfin then check out my Leaflet.markercluster:

It is fully animated etc etc :)

OpenLayers has also a cluster strategy. All you need to do is to specify as strategy in the vector layer.

The solution is very "simple" for the moment, simply reduces the number of points depending on the zoom level. If you need something more awesome you will need to program it by yourself and your needs. Take a look also to SelectFeature control which can serve you to control when you put the mouse over a feature.

The redfin is really fashion sample. Hope I have some time to make some test with OL :)

I haven't had much time to look into it, but CloudMade (makers of Leaflet) has some Marker Clustering capabilities. How to make them animated and sleek, not sure about that, but it's a start.