How to create conda environment with specific python version?
To create an environment named py33
with python 3.3.0, using the channel conda-forge and a list of packages:
conda create -y --name py33 python==3.3.0
conda install -f -y -q --name py33 -c conda-forge --file requirements.txt
conda activate py33
conda deactivate
Alternatively you can use
conda env create -f environment.yml
to use an environment.yml file instead of requirements.txt:
name: py33
- conda-forge
- python=3.3.0
- ipython
Use this command to remove the environment:
conda env remove -n py33
You need to install ipython as well into your given environment
conda create -n "myenv" python=3.3.0 ipython
The conda environments are prepended to your PATH variable, so when you are trying to run the executable "ipython", Linux will not find "ipython" in your activated environment (since it doesn't exist there), but it will continue searching for it, and eventually find it wherever you have it installed.