How to create floating figures in reStructuredText / Sphinx?

I have found that figures float to the side with :figwidth: and :align: specified. (Using the readthedocs theme.)

..  figure:: images/myimage.jpg
    :figwidth: 40%
    :align: right

Though it is too late but maybe the answer would help future people.

You can use the sidebar directive to put the image.

.. sidebar:: mandatory_title. Use can use image caption here

     .. Figure:: 1.png

So, I did some research into reStructuredText and it seems what you want is not actually possible.

The documentation for the figure and the image directives never mention the ability to wrap text around the object.

This might be a feature request to provide to the Sphinx developers although I suspect they'll reject it because it isn't explicitly mentioned in the rst specification.

I was hoping the bounty would garner this some attention but I suspect is hasn't.