How to create generic protocols in Swift?

To expound on Lou Franco's answer a bit, If you wanted to create a method that used a particular ApiMapperProtocol, you do so thusly:

protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
    associatedtype T
    associatedtype U
    func mapFromSource(T) -> U

class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapperProtocol {
    // these typealiases aren't required, but I'm including them for clarity
    // Normally, you just allow swift to infer them
    typealias T = NSDictionary 
    typealias U = UserModel

    func mapFromSource(data: NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
        var user = UserModel()
        var accountsData: NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
        // For Swift 1.2, you need this line instead
        // var accountsData: NSArray = data["Accounts"] as! NSArray
        return user

class UsesApiMapperProtocol {
    func usesApiMapperProtocol<
        ApiMapperProtocolType: ApiMapperProtocol where
          ApiMapperProtocolType.T == SourceType,
          ApiMapperProtocolType.U == MappedType>(
          apiMapperProtocol: ApiMapperProtocolType, 
          source: SourceType) -> MappedType {
        return apiMapperProtocol.mapFromSource(source)

UsesApiMapperProtocol is now guaranteed to only accept SourceTypes compatible with the given ApiMapperProtocol:

let dictionary: NSDictionary = ...
let uses = UsesApiMapperProtocol()
let userModel: UserModel = uses.usesApiMapperProtocol(UserMapper()
    source: dictionary)

It's a little different for protocols. Look at "Associated Types" in Apple's documentation.

This is how you use it in your example

protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
    associatedtype T
    associatedtype U
    func MapFromSource(_:T) -> U

class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapperProtocol {
    typealias T = NSDictionary
    typealias U = UserModel

    func MapFromSource(_ data:NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
        var user = UserModel()
        var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
        // For Swift 1.2, you need this line instead
        // var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as! NSArray
        return user

