How to create multiple HTML elements with jQuery?

$('First Element').add($('Second Element')).appendTo($('body'))

String concatenation (or Array.join) is fine, as long as you make it pretty ;)

var structure = [
    '<div id="something">',


There is always append().

$('#container').append('<span>foobar baz</span>');

It seems to me that just using string concatenation and append would be the least complex, and probably fastest option. However, following is an untested example of a way to (arguably) simplify the creation of elements, and allow you to append them to a given parent element:

function elemCreate(type, content, attrs) {
   /* type: string tag name
    * content: string element content
    * attrs: associative array of attrs and values
    elem = '<' + type + '></' + type + '>'
    e = $(elem).attr(attrs)
    return e

stuff = [];    
stuff.push(elemCreate('a', 'Click me!', {'href': ''});
