How to create Redis Transaction in Go using go-redis/redis package?

You get a Tx value for a transaction when you use Client.Watch

err := client.Watch(func(tx *redis.Tx) error {
    n, err := tx.Get(key).Int64()
    if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
        return err

    _, err = tx.Pipelined(func(pipe *redis.Pipeline) error {
        pipe.Set(key, strconv.FormatInt(n+1, 10), 0)
        return nil
    return err
}, key)

You can find an example how to create a Redis transaction here:


pipe := rdb.TxPipeline()

incr := pipe.Incr("tx_pipeline_counter")
pipe.Expire("tx_pipeline_counter", time.Hour)

// Execute
//     MULTI
//     INCR pipeline_counter
//     EXPIRE pipeline_counts 3600
//     EXEC
// using one rdb-server roundtrip.
_, err := pipe.Exec()
fmt.Println(incr.Val(), err)


1 <nil>

And if you prefer to use the watch (optimistic locking) You can see an example here


const routineCount = 100

// Transactionally increments key using GET and SET commands.
increment := func(key string) error {
    txf := func(tx *redis.Tx) error {
        // get current value or zero
        n, err := tx.Get(key).Int()
        if err != nil && err != redis.Nil {
            return err

        // actual opperation (local in optimistic lock)

        // runs only if the watched keys remain unchanged
        _, err = tx.TxPipelined(func(pipe redis.Pipeliner) error {
            // pipe handles the error case
            pipe.Set(key, n, 0)
            return nil
        return err

    for retries := routineCount; retries > 0; retries-- {
        err := rdb.Watch(txf, key)
        if err != redis.TxFailedErr {
            return err
        // optimistic lock lost
    return errors.New("increment reached maximum number of retries")

var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < routineCount; i++ {
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()

        if err := increment("counter3"); err != nil {
            fmt.Println("increment error:", err)

n, err := rdb.Get("counter3").Int()
fmt.Println("ended with", n, err)


ended with 100 <nil>