How to create the waved style for curves in Graphics?
Not a complete answer.
You can make use of the undocumented function Typeset`MakeBoxes
mentioned in this post. Here I'll just code waved line and circle as examples:
(* Stolen from Simon's post, notice the tiny modification. *)
SetAttributes[createPrimitive, HoldAll]
createPrimitive[patt_, expr_] :=
Typeset`MakeBoxes[p : patt, fmt_, Graphics] :=
With[{e = Cases[expr, Line[_], Infinity]},
Typeset`MakeBoxes[Interpretation[e, p], fmt, Graphics]]
createPrimitive[Waved[a_, f_, pts_: Automatic]@Circle[p : {x0_, y0_} : {0, 0}, r0_: 1],
ParametricPlot[{x0 + Cos[t] (r0 + a Sin[f t]), y0 + Sin[t] (r0 + a Sin[f t])}, {t, 0,
2 Pi}, PlotPoints -> pts]]
createPrimitive[Waved[a_, f_, pts_: Automatic]@Line[p : {{_, _?NumericQ} ..}],
Module[{fx, fy,
distance = Prepend[Accumulate@Sqrt[Total@Transpose@((Rest@# - Most@# &@N@p)^2)], 0.],
normal}, {fx, fy} =
ListInterpolation[#, distance, InterpolationOrder -> 1] & /@ Transpose@N@p;
normal = Sqrt[fx'[t]^2 + fy'[t]^2];
ParametricPlot[{fx@t + a Sin[f t] fy'[t]/normal, fy@t - a Sin[f t] fx'[t]/normal}, {t,
0, distance[[-1]]}, PlotPoints -> pts]]]
Graphics[{Red, Thick, Waved[1/50, 40]@Line[{{1, 0}, {2, 1}, {3, -1}, {4, 0}}], Orange,
Waved[1/10, 50, 51]@Circle[{2.5, 0}, 3/2]}]
Remaining Issues
The achieved syntax is slightly different from the expected one, not sure if the expected syntax can be achieved with
.The waved style is coded separately for every graphics primitive, so creating a complete waved style still requires huge amount of work.
is relatively slow.The wave doesn't look great at corners:
Graphics[{Red, Thick, Waved[1/10, 40]@Line[{{1, 0}, {2, 1}, {3, 0}}]}]
It is possible to make ondulations on a BSpline.
Here is a toy example with a closed BSpline ("closed" in order to see the continuity at the ends)
p={{15.7336, -3.557}, {11.1177, -2.53343}, {15.4259, 19.1467},
{6.60292, 10.5131},{-28.5053, 10.9099}, {-22.7909, -1.35239},
{-3.22756, -13.0483},{-17.1309, -32.426}, {6.23965, -7.05847},
{25.0532, -25.0634}};
f = BSplineFunction[p, SplineClosed -> True];
Show[ParametricPlot[f[x], {x, 0, 1}]]
numberOfTurns = 50;
f1[x_]=f[x] - Sin[2 Pi numberOfTurns absCurv[x]/length] {{0,1}, {-1,0}}.Normalize[f'[x]];
ParametricPlot[f1[x],{x,0,1},PlotPoints-> 1000]
inspiration source 1 (about {{0,1}, {-1,0}}.Normalize[f'[x]]
inspiration source 2 (about absCurv=NDSolveValue[...