How to cross-reference inside of a verbatim (or listings) environment
You're not missing simple features; the standard verbatim
environment doesn't allow for interpreting commands. However, the fancyvrb
package has this facility:
This is the pythagorean theorem:
I can reference it normally: Equation \ref{eq:pyth}.
I can write a code example that will work:
# An R function to solve for c.
# See Equation \ref[eq:pyth] for details.
solve.for.c <- function(a,b){
return( sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
And also a \texttt{lstlisting} environment:
# An R function to solve for c.
# See Equation '\ref{eq:pyth}' for details.
solve.for.c <- function(a,b){
return( sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
For commandchars
in Verbatim
you have to specify three characters (escaped with the backslash) that aren't otherwise used in the environment's text. The same for escapechar
with lstlisting
. These characters may be chosen "locally".
Take your pick.
If you have three handy characters that don't appear in the verbatim text you can use them instead of \ { }
for example
\def\@verbatim{\oldv\catcode`\!=0 \catcode`\`=1 \catcode`\'=2 }
This is the pythagorean theorem:
I can reference it normally: Equation \ref{eq:pyth}.
I can write a code example that won't work:
# An R function to solve for c.
# See Equation !ref`eq:pyth' for details.
solve.for.c <- function(a,b){
return( sqrt(a^2 + b^2))
How can I do this better?