How to debug javascript when it goes into infinite loops and recursive calls in Javascript?

Another trick you could try is to have the Web developer tools in Chrome open and try to hit Pause when the Browser apparently hangs. Then it should break at the line where it's currently executing. With some stepping out you should get to the bottom of this.

Assuming you know (or suspect) the function where the infite loop happens you could add code like this:

var calls = 0;
function iSuspectToBeLoopingInfititely() {
  calls += 1;
  if (calls > 100) { debugger; }

This will stop the JavaScript debugger in Chrome once the method has been called 100 times. Note: Chrome will only break for debugger; calls if you actually have the Developer Tools window open.

Found another way of debugging. In my case the error was caught and so no errors where logged to the console. Found the bug with the checkbox Pause on caught exceptions. You find the option in den dev tools unter the Sources tab. To show and enable the checkbox click on the last icon:

enter image description here

After enabling this, the debugger pauses on every caught exception.